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All Access – The 2009 International Emmy Awards Gala

2009 International Emmy Awards – Blog Slideshow – Images by Robert Caplin

What a whirl-wind few days….I had a small break since completing my time-lapse of the World Series, but Friday found me quickly back into the action of a corporate job, this time as the house photographer for the International Emmy Awards that was held Monday in New York.

Prior to the awards ceremony there’s a 3-day festival held that includes cocktail parties, luncheons, screening and panels, followed by board meetings and finally the awards ceremony. Monday night had me photographing some of the best and most influential artists, actors, filmmakers, directors, producers, journalists, and statesmen in the world. I had the opportunity to sit through, meet, and photograph the likes of former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Sir David Frost, Barbara Walters, Moby, Edie Falco, among many others.

I was working as part of a team of photographers and editors through PSG, a news organization founded by a friend of mine, Warren Winter, that was commissioned to produce still photos for The International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Together we were a team of 3 photographers, 2 editors, and gaggle of top-notch PR professionals helping to identify the endless stream of foreign (and thus almost impossible for us to identify) celebrities.

I’m continually amazed by the places my job brings me and I don’t take it for granted. It’s quite a pleasure to be a fly on the wall and be given permission to freely document these amazing events.

Click here to view more photos from the Emmy Awards.

I got caught chimping on the red carpet in this AP video:



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